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Compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles
Providing quality health care is our main concern. A doctor-patient relationship of trust and confidentiality is formed with all health information confidential. Your consent is required when information is collected and managed in accordance with the privacy legislation. You are entitled to know what personal information is held about you, what it is used for, to whom it is disclosed and how it is stored.
Information Collection and Use
The consultation process with your doctor requires you to complete a form outlining your personal details. We will use this information discreetly to provide high quality health care with the most up to date health information and to properly assess and diagnose your condition. For administrative purposes such as maintenance of records and billing. For communication with others involved in your care. This usually includes your referring doctor, other doctors, specialists and therapists involved in your care. For the purpose of clinical audit, education and research. At all time, your personal details would remain anonymous.
Patient Access to Information
You can access your medical record for various reasons such as transfer of care. You can complete a form requesting this information. A charge may be applied. In some cases, access may be denied with reasons provided. Additionally, your information may be disclosed without your consent in circumstances such as emergency situations, medical indemnity insurance obligation, billing and medical rebate purposes to private health funds and Medicare.
Patient Complaints
Any complaints about the privacy of your personal information, must be made in writing. We will consider the specific details and attempt to resolve it in accordance with our resolution guidelines and procedures.